Orange - Spice Cocoa

 I really enjoy this period of my life, that I have the chance to stay home with my son. I know that it's not going to last long enough so I'm trying to enjoy it even more.. I love standing with him in front of the window watching the snow. He's begging me to take a sip or two of my favorite cocoa drink.. Well.. the weekend is almost here and the weather is cold so I think this is the perfect timing for sharing this recipe. Go ahead and feel the warmth..!

Ingredients for 2 mugs

2 cups milk
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon grated dark chocolate
1 / 3 teaspoon ground cardamom
1 / 3 teaspoon ground cinnamon
100 g whipped cream
The zest of 1 / 3 orange

How to make

Using a saucepan over low heat add the milk and simmer.
Using a bowl mix the cocoa with sugar, dark chocolate, cardamom and cinnamon.
Beat the whipped cream with an electric mixer yntil soft peaks are formed. Fold the zest into the cream.
Add the cocoa micture to the milk and whisk until smooth.
Divide the cocoa among cups, top with the whipped cream and  decorate on top with a little more zest and grated chocolate.

Have a wonderful Weekend!!!